Surfer, Dude (2008)

Surfing, dude? You bet! Woody Harrelson is an acting chameleon! Every time the camera lens focuses on him, he becomes a different character. I think that's what makes actors interesting, and Woody does it on the level of a skilled, consummate professional. In this film, Woody shows his comedic side, and he does it as his hilarious best! I'm very much impressed by Woody's versatility.

What I like about this film is that it's laid back, you enjoy the scenery, the waves, and the babes. The film makes me feel like a surfer bum, and I enjoy every minute of it!

Steve Addington (aptly played by Matthew McConaughey) has a dream to become a surfer in his very own, custom-designed kind of Eden. The continuity in the film is purposely confused, in order to give the viewer a feeling of Addington's initial frustration. His dream does not work out, to his satisfaction, in the film's beginning. But, thankfully, mid-way through the film a 'mermaid' saves the day, and Addington's dream sees a delightful 'climax' (if you'll forgive my unfortunate choice of words). Matthew has sex appeal, and he shows it, but not in a narcissistic way. Both Matthew and Woody show their love for the environment and, when the film ends, I just don't want to come home from the beach.

It is obvious that Woody, Matthew, and the entire cast had a great deal of fun while making this film. It becomes a delightful and somewhat zany surfing party, and the viewer is cordially invited to participate in the fun. Unlike "Tropic Thunder" (2008), there are no 'inside jokes'. Every move is caught by a camera lens, and the viewer is always 'let in' on each happening.

The film takes me, personally, back in time. And, it is a such a refreshing memory! I can almost hear the Beach Boys singing, and 'the Gidge' (Sandra Dee) is no longer lost. This film is my kind of paradise, and I rank it an 8 out of 10. Grab a surfboard, smell the salty air, and let's go surfing!

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